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7 nights a week

Tanel Padar, Ott Lepland and Jalmar Vabarna

Tanel Padar, Ott Lepland and Jalmar Vabarna

Date: Fri 19th
Time: 7:00pm
€15.00 €15.00
Crane Lane Theatre Phoenix Street, Cork City, Cork, Ireland +353 (0)21 427 8487

The band consists of a trio of Estonian singers Tanel Padar, Ott Lepland and Jalmar Vabarna which has been put together to unite rock, pop and folk music in the beginning of 2013. Jalmar Vabarna is the very best of Estonian folk music, Ott Lepland participated Eurovision in 2012 and went home with 6th place. He is a new heartthrob with a powerful voice. Tanel Padar participated Eurovision in 2001 and went home with an amazing 1st place! All three guys have impressive back-grounds in music business and put on a show with multi-lingual songs mixed with humor.